Donation corner


You can help  by making a donation to the Clinton Young Foundation. The donations will be used to provide legal and financial support to Clinton Young and other death-sentenced prisoners in the US. To donate, either set up a bank transfer, or donate directly through our website through a secured payment processing system, using this link:

As of October 2020, the Clinton Young Foundation is a US non-profit with federal income tax exemption. This means it’s now easy for Americans to donate to the Foundation, and since the Foundation is a 501(c) 3, any donations can be written off on federal taxes. The Foundation also has an ANBI-status in The Netherlands. For Dutch people who donate, this means they could have a tax benefit if all conditions are met. If you want more information on this, please go to the website of the Dutch Tax Authorities.


The official bank accounts for the Clinton Young Foundation are:

Clinton Young Foundation
Horizon Bank Texas
Account number: 1041 3260
Routing number: 111907940

Clinton Young Foundation
IBAN: NL66INGB0006517329


We really want to thank everyone for the support!
It truly does make a difference!