Polunsky Unit

Loud and Clear 11/29/09

Loud and Clear 11/29/09 Well, this Thanksgiving day had a dark cloud over it. Not just for me, but for the Petrey family as well. Nov. 26th is the day that Samuel Petrey was killed and the day that I was arrested. In 2001 the 26th was on a Monday after Thanksgiving day. I was […]

Loud & Clear, September 23, 2009

Loud & Clear, September 23, 2009 The past week has been a journey. I took a trip back to Midland County to attend a hearing to secure the judge in my case. The judge that presided over the hearing ruled against us and allowed the judge to stay on my case. That was expected. It […]

Loud & Clear, September 14, 2009

Loud & Clear, September 14, 2009 FORGIVENESS!! Forgiveness. Most of us seek it out. More of us try to be better people by giving it. Do you know the elements of forgiveness? Sympathy? I have a friend, actually two that ‘preach’ to me about it.. A book was recently being discussed by my neighbor and […]

Loud & Clear, September 8, 2009

Loud & Clear, September 8, 2009 STRENGTH!!\ How strong is a man supposed to be? What is the measure of a man? In a way the measure of a man is like the concept of reality. It’s according to the person and culture. Reality is based on perception.I had someone that is a a close […]

Loud & Clear, August 26 2009

Loud & Clear, August 26 2009 This is going to be short and sweet. I don’t feel much like writing. I haven’t heard from my sister since she last came to visit me on 8/8. Of course if something happened to her I couldn’t exactly depend on my family to inform me. Anyways , don’t […]

Loud & Clear, July 29 2009

Loud & Clear, July 29 2009 If it’s not one thing it’s another! I had a visit with my lawyer last week on the 22nd. As of then the judge currently dealing with my case has still not appointed me a lawyer. When pressed as to why my lawyers have not been appointed to my […]

Loud & Clear, May 27 2009

Loud & Clear, May 27 2009 Greetings! I guess I can start this with the most exciting portions of my past week. Friday while kicked back writing a letter to Heather, I was disturbed by an officer coming up the stairs. I seen he had a pipe chase key in his hand to shut off […]

Loud & Clear, April 1 2009

Loud & Clear, April 1 2009 I was thinking about something the other day. Life is a box. If a person is arrested for a capital crime and given the death in Texas. From start to end that person will never leave a box. The jail cells are shaped like boxes and a casket is […]

Loud & Clear, March 9 2009

Loud & Clear, March 9 2009 Greetings! Well I finally got some rest and been playing catch up on my backed up letters as well as going over my legal work so I can send some ideas to my lawyers. I do want to cover a few things real fast, well things people have wrote […]

Loud & Clear, March 5 2009

Loud & Clear, March 5 2009 Greetings. Well the last week surely has been emotionally draining. I had a special visit with Vera. It shocked me at how much energy it took out of me. Plus I was consumed with worry every night and could hardly sleep. I always seem to think of the worst […]