
Loud and Clear: Jpays /mailroom

Clinton Young Loud & Clear. Topic:  Jpays /mailroom Date: January 2017 Prison Life Am finally getting back into writing, though right now, need to focus on a more pressing matter. Many that write use Jpay, An email service that your letter gets emailed & printed out by mailroom. TDCJ makes a profit from this. So […]

Loud and Clear: Litte of this & littel of that

Clinton Young Loud & Clear. Topic: Little of this & little of that Date: Sept. 26th 2016 Prison Life Penatentiary – A petty paradise, no wise served twice. Life lost for losing lives. Given freely. What cost? Dreams. Schemes all jumbled. Rumble tumble in this fuckin jungle. Sum total of the end result. Aint no […]

Loud and Clear: Quick chat

Clinton L. Young Loud & clear Topic: Quick chat Date: Aug. 23rd, 2016 Hopes all’s good out there. Just a quick run down. No real news yet. Filings will be maybe next month or October, due to developments. Though expect no court action, due to docket length & holidays coming up, until after the New […]

Loud and Clear: Case update. Death penalty, Death Row

Loud & Clear by Clinton Lee Young Date: May-16-2016 Topic: Case update. Death penalty, Death Row A heavy weight upon my mind. Was a date set for early this month. My lawyer was due to meet with the prosecutor in Midland. The topic of discussion revolved around my future. It was a life or death […]

Loud & Clear, September 23, 2009

Loud & Clear, September 23, 2009 The past week has been a journey. I took a trip back to Midland County to attend a hearing to secure the judge in my case. The judge that presided over the hearing ruled against us and allowed the judge to stay on my case. That was expected. It […]

Loud & Clear, September 8, 2009

Loud & Clear, September 8, 2009 STRENGTH!!\ How strong is a man supposed to be? What is the measure of a man? In a way the measure of a man is like the concept of reality. It’s according to the person and culture. Reality is based on perception.I had someone that is a a close […]

Loud & Clear, July 29 2009

Loud & Clear, July 29 2009 If it’s not one thing it’s another! I had a visit with my lawyer last week on the 22nd. As of then the judge currently dealing with my case has still not appointed me a lawyer. When pressed as to why my lawyers have not been appointed to my […]

Loud & Clear, November 11 2008

Loud & Clear, November 11 2008 Greetings! It has been a long time since I wrote an article. Over a year! So much has happened. I had a few more use of forces. I will go into that first. They got a new toy. A paint ball gun that shoots powder filled balls instead of […]

Loud & Clear, June 28 2006

Loud & Clear, June 28 2006 I was given some bad news a few days ago, my lawyer informed me that the Judge will NOT allow the testimony of the ballistic expert into my appeal record. So in short the Judge is trying to limit how I can use the evidence that shows that I […]

Uncensored, December 02, 2005

Uncensored, December 02, 2005 Well, it has been a while since I wrote an article. Suzanne was MIA for a short period due to an accident in the family. So I capitalized off of her absence in order to get my thoughts together some more. Of course the murder machine did not slow down any. […]